Hello there! Welcome to CFsmkusj4's blog.
We're just a group of ordinary students doing extraordinary things for God in our school.
We love God and we love our school.

Check out the info below to find out when and where we have our meetings.
God bless! :D

Weekly meetings :
Every Friday. 12.50pm - 2.30pm. At the classroom on the ground floor (3Aristotle)

Morning CF :
Every Tuesday - Friday. 7.00am - 7.20am. Before morning session. At the canteen.

Recess Revolution :
Meet with your respective form's leaders.
Revolution Conference 2009!
Monday, June 8, 2009 @ 10:51 PM

Hello dear cf babies! :)

As you guys know, Revolution Conference 2009 was held in Summit Hotel from the 4th to the 6th of June.

It was practically conference at day, and party at night.

For the first night, which was revo party, we had a great opening and enjoyed the word from Ps Sandra. She taught us F.R.U.! :D

The conference on the 2nd day was very substantial. Many speakers. We made notes and learned a lot. Which probably will be shared another time :D

And there was revo party at night, basically a concert event. Awesome music, just praising God and enjoying his presence :) There was an altar call for people to respond to God's calling. Seeing so many people responding, it was really awesome.

The next day for the conference, we had breaking-up into groups and practising our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. We were asked to pray to God to show us visions or description of a person and ask Him what to do. Then with these information we were supposed to look for that person in Summit.

Some of us hit the jackpot big time. Some found the exact person and did prayer. Some of us invited the particular person for the night concert.

Overall it was a great experience :)

There was a stirring at the night party. After the word, people were moved and many were touched by the Holy Spirit. Out of 430 people, almost 370 responded for the altar call.

Superr awesome! I experienced God at a totally different level. And being embraced by his Holy presence, it was really wonderful. I could feel his tremendous love and grace, not only for me, but also for each and every single one of us, even YOU who is reading this.

Knowing that He is merciful and willingly accepts me although I've sinned against him, reduced me to tears. I couldn't stop crying. But then again, knowing that I'm forgiven makes me so happy I wanna rejoice everyday :D

I believed something changed in us, as a cf, I know that revival starts from us now. And it will be of God's will and of the Holy Spirit, I pray, that this revival and revolution will spread like wild fire, touching lives and saving souls :)

God bless! Jesus loves YOU! :D

Shu Run
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