Hello there! Welcome to CFsmkusj4's blog.
We're just a group of ordinary students doing extraordinary things for God in our school.
We love God and we love our school.

Check out the info below to find out when and where we have our meetings.
God bless! :D

Weekly meetings :
Every Friday. 12.50pm - 2.30pm. At the classroom on the ground floor (3Aristotle)

Morning CF :
Every Tuesday - Friday. 7.00am - 7.20am. Before morning session. At the canteen.

Recess Revolution :
Meet with your respective form's leaders.
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 @ 10:18 AM
Ever stood in front of the mirror and thought something like, ''God, you messed up when you made me"?

Is it possible for God to make a mistake on one of his creations?

You're lucky if you never looked in the mirror and gagged. Maybe you noticed a creep resemblance of your backside to a rhino's back end. Or suddenly you discovered why you have to run around in the shower to get wet- you're so skinny the water spray misses you.

And even people with perfect complexions have had the experience of heading out the door for school and grabbing one last glance in the mirror, only to find a Godzilla-like pimple is holding the end of their nose hostage.

You yell, "Why me, God? Did you have to blow it on me? Wouldn't my little brother have made a better victim if you had to make a mistake?"

Listen carefully. You aren't alone. All of us have felt that way. But the truth is that God doesn't makes mistakes. He didn't goof on you or anyone else. Whether you feel too tall, too short, too big, too little, or even too ugly. God made you just as you are. He thinks you're perfect.

God loves variety. That's why no two flowers are exactly the same,no two snowflakes are the same, and no two people are the same, even identical twins. He didn't want you to be just like everyone else because to him, you're a stand-out. He made you different because you deserve to be different.

You do, of course, have some options in how you look. How you eat (several slabs of pizza every day for lunch do impact how you look-duh!) and how you exercise (sitting in front of the tv doesn't really count) will make a difference. And a doctor can help you solve some appearance problems with your skin, weight, and overall wellness.

But the basic general formula that stares back at you in the mirror is God' masterpiece. You are God's masterpiece. You are special because God made you special, different because God made you different. If you looked like everyone else, you wouldn't be you.

Psalm 139:14
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous- how well i know it.
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