Hello 2010!
Thursday, December 31, 2009 @ 8:30 PM
Happy New Year people! :D

Thank God for 2009, an awesome year, in which He has blessed each and every one of us as individuals, and as a CF.
Thank God for the good times we had during CF, the games, ice-breakers, and the lame jokes....
Thank God for each and every one of you. Without your continuous support, CF wouldn't exist!
Thank God for providing us with awesome and gifted seniors who lead the CF and served faithfully!
Thank God for oversee-ing and guiding us during CF as well as RR's.
Thank God for His unfailing love, grace and mercy.
Thank God for His never-ending providence.
Thank God for Jesus.

And there's so much more to thank Him for. Have a blessed new year! :)
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This Christmas Child
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @ 12:55 AM
Watch Him. Watch Him. Watch this Child, who grows into a boy, who grows into a man and is found to be so much more.

Watch as He is born—among shepherds and angels and bright lights in the sky. Watch as He grows in favor and stature—as a youngster asking questions, giving answers, astounding teachers. Watch Him in the desert—a young man in prayer, with hunger and thirst and a calling from heaven.

Watch this strange northerner—with His calloused hands and radical ways—who grew up in “pagan” Galilee, whose brothers once thought Him unbalanced, and whose neighbors once drove Him out of town. Yet watch His authority, His acceptance, His patience. Watch Him touch the leper, heal the diseased, cleanse the impure. Watch Him teach the crowds to forgive and pray always. 

Watch Him as He kneels—in a garden, and in anguish. “Father, if You are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from Me. Yet I want Your will to be done, not Mine” (Luke 22:42). Radical submission to a heavenly plan.

Watch as the Son of God is betrayed with a kiss. Watch as they arrest Him and His closest friends 
flee. Watch as He submits to a fate sketched before time. Watch as they spit on Him and hit Him and crucify Him on a tree.

Watch as one final breath slips from His lips—the sins of the world on the shoulders of one man. Then watch, yes watch, as the stone is rolled away; an empty tomb filled with hope, for He rose again!

Then watch as His name and His fame fills the world. 

This God, this Man, this Boy. This Christmas Child. —Sheridan Voysey

Taken from ODJ.

Have a Blessed Christmas! :) God bless!
Shu Run
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Do Hope
Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Hello all! I've recently attended the launching of Project Do Hope which was held at Luther Centre Petaling Jaya.

During the whole course of the event, people of all ages, races, and religion talked about the three things below:

1. What is Hope to you?
2. What do you Hope for?
3. What will you do to make that Hope come true?

It struck me that, hope is actually God's gift to us. It motivates us, and gives us a drive to be better, it keeps us hanging on.

As for some of us, hope is what is keeping us alive. We might be going through darkness now, but the belief that we will see the light at the end of the tunnel of darkness, that is hope.

Hope is also a desire. Some people desire for better financial situations; some people desire for love. That is hope.

Some people might scoff and say, hope is just something people make up to comfort themselves. It may be true. Some of us do hope for things we cannot achieve.

But without hope, we will never have a goal in life. We will never set our minds and hearts on a road to travel on.

As Christians, what is our Hope? Moreover the question, who is our Hope?
Many of you already know the answer - Jesus.

Jesus, is God's gift to us. Jesus is the Hope for salvation. The Hope for mankind. The Hope for us to go to heaven and not perish in eternal doom. The Hope for us to be with our Creator forever.

Yet, we are only human. In so many times in our life we often stumble and fall. And when we do, we give up on hoping. However, we must never forget that Jesus will never ever give up on us.

Hope-timists: People who choose to keep on believing in spite of the evidence, and watch the evidence change.

Hope can only co-exist with faith. If we do not believe, we will not hope.

It is easy for us to say that we hope in God when life is easy. But can we say the same when we are facing trials and temptation?

God is not nearly as interested in changing circumstances as He is in changing people.
- Why We Act The Way We Do.

Many of us flunk the test of faith. When hardship comes, we complain to God that the circumstances are unfavourable for us to keep hoping. But it is in these times that hope is most needed as is faith.

God allowed us to go through this, as Zechariah 13:9 says
I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, 'These are my people,' and they will say, 'The LORD is our God.'"

Ultimately, what we are going through is only going to make us BETTER and GLORIFY GOD.

The Christian life is never a race, it's a marathon. Hope keeps us believing that God will bring us through to the final destination. And if we believe, He definitely will :)

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:6-7)

God calls for us to hope and rely on Him. Just a thought to ponder on, do we hope? Do we put our hope in God?

Never give up on Hope. Do Hope.

Counting on God,
-Shu Run.
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Project Touching Heart!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 @ 9:38 PM
Have you guys checked THIS out?


It's still ONGOING and it's updated :D

Do remember to submit your testimonies as soon as possible and take part in helping making the cf official. You don't have to be a fourian to do so. It doesn't have to be lengthy. Just write up an honest testimony of what you think of cf! Click click click the link above for more details!

God bless!
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Haiyo!! BK!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009 @ 6:17 PM
*Just like to say well done for all Form 5 candidates! The future will be tougher as more tribulations come our way = P

The purpose of me writing is to tell you people about the subject of Bible Knowledge(9221/1).

Looking back on the day of examination, there are only 9 students took up this subject!
I don't know about you but from what I think, its depressing to see this happening... Moreover, we took our exams with the Islamic students and the we are just approximately 1/13 of the them! "WOW!" I thought to myself. It's not about the number of Islamic student which surpasses us exceedingly shocked me but the lack of interest of believers in taking this subject.

"Come on people! We have got to Step Up and Show Off that Christianity is so real in our lives because if we PERISH, our everything will fade away but the scripture will not! Ask yourself these question now: "Is God your everything? Did Jesus die on the cross just for nothing? Or is God just another deity who we worship without even having no idea who He is?"

I know you may always think that BK is just another subject but honestly its THE MOST IMPORTANT subject. Why? Because it is the word of GOD! I tell you the truth, BK which teaches on the book of Luke and Acts truly has helped me in my journey as a believer. It has challenged my faith deeply and taught me things which I wouldn't have thought about including that of RAPTURE! Thus, every page is a whole new insight of what Jesus wants to teach us, a crooked and perverse generation.

My experience in a BK class was the best tuition class I've ever had and every moment was filled with joy and free of pressure! It has never disappoint or weary me for I'm always restored by the promises of the scriptures. =D

According to the Malaysia government, if there isn't 3000 students taking this subject, there is a high chance of this subject abolished and it would break God's heart to see that THIS generation not taking its stand as priests and ambassadors of Christ! "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."(1 Peter 2:9)

Finally, I would strongly encourage you to take up this subject if you want to live for Jesus by telling Him that you'll go the distance no matter how much energy is drained for His sacrifice on the cross is incapable for us to repay! If you think that you won't be able to do well in SPM for this subject, start asking God for help and you'll be able to sense His power working in your life; who cares others people look at you, most importantly is how God look at you..Take up the challenge for Jesus' sake and you & your family will be blessed tremendously!
"My people are destroyed from the lack of knowledge."(Hosea 4:6a)

Testifying His Faithfulness,
Wai Yip.
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