Hello there! Welcome to CFsmkusj4's blog.
We're just a group of ordinary students doing extraordinary things for God in our school.
We love God and we love our school.

Check out the info below to find out when and where we have our meetings.
God bless! :D

Weekly meetings :
Every Friday. 12.50pm - 2.30pm. At the classroom on the ground floor (3Aristotle)

Morning CF :
Every Tuesday - Friday. 7.00am - 7.20am. Before morning session. At the canteen.

Recess Revolution :
Meet with your respective form's leaders.
Journal? Why not ?
Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 12:04 AM
Ever forgetting the teachings of the bible after reading it chapters after chapters? Of-course! Nobody can remember all that they had read...#However, there are always solutions to the questions in life...And guess what? It's through journaling!!Journaling??

Definition of journal: a diary or daily record.

Well, this is how we should do it:

Scripture-write down the scripture that caught your attention.

Observation-write down what have you observed and learned.

Application-start asking yourself questions.E.g. "Am I worthy to go to heaven?"(based on the scripture you've learned)

Prayer-write down your prayer to God in response to His life-bringing Word.

*Each paragraph for one of the points above!Don't forget to pray before you start!!!

Haven't try yet?I guess so... Why not start reading the next bible verses/chapters and incorporate with journaling!
It's not boring journaling for as you journal through, you'll indeed hear God's voice speaking to you through your daily obedience!
Don't believe?Try it yourself! It'll only benefit you in your everyday encounter with God!

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