~Venue? The Summit of Subang Jaya.
~Time and place to wait? Around 1pm at the Cinema theater
~Who? You of-course( USJ 4 students only..haha..)
~Why? It's holiday!( you shouldn't ask..)
*SMILE! Jesus loves you! XD
BTW, we'll be executing RR on that day...interested? Look for the person above as well...LOL...Have a great holiday...
Definition of journal: a diary or daily record.
Well, this is how we should do it:
Scripture-write down the scripture that caught your attention.
Observation-write down what have you observed and learned.
Application-start asking yourself questions.E.g. "Am I worthy to go to heaven?"(based on the scripture you've learned)
Prayer-write down your prayer to God in response to His life-bringing Word.
*Each paragraph for one of the points above!Don't forget to pray before you start!!!
Haven't try yet?I guess so... Why not start reading the next bible verses/chapters and incorporate with journaling!
It's not boring journaling for as you journal through, you'll indeed hear God's voice speaking to you through your daily obedience!
Don't believe?Try it yourself! It'll only benefit you in your everyday encounter with God!
Next, is the Revolution Rally:

4 June 09- Revo party 8.00-10.30 pm
5 June 09- Revo academic 10-3.30pm
Revo Party 8-10.30pm
6 June 09- Revo academic- 10-3.30pm
Revo Party 6.30-9.30 pm
Erm, yea... Revo Party is absolutly free!! So come!! For the conference is RM 15 per person with refreshment provided, but if you sign up that day, you have to pay RM30, so please sign up with wai yip by 29th may 09. check the website out k??
Next, the bomb of the year, the hiroshima!!!! Subang Interschool CF Rally 09!!

do check it out k, is hitting 100 count everyday.....
See, who said holiday was boring???? Erm, lastly CF meeting will be at Wai Yip's house next week... and this time we promise it will be very different from the any other meeting. Ok??
all the best for exam and pray hard. God bless
It really works. Because GOD is AWESOME!
Come and be blessed!
Cyah there :D
As you all know, we had an officialization for Project Mordecai today at Pamela's house!
We started off with a round of introduction.
And had a hilarious ice breaker! Hallelujah!
And then we had Praise and Worship which was led by Rachel.
After being given a brief word, next was the signing and exchanging of certificates!
Jeng jeng JENG! Pn. Liew signing. Check out the super duper happy President ^
"Whoa your signature so hard to copy la" - Pastor Andy
Pastor Kenneth signing :D
Pastor Andy signing.
From us to Acts Church :D
From Acts church to us. :D
After that, it was MAKAN time!
Food food FOOD. We had pizzas, spaghetti and watermelon as well as coke.
Thank you for preparing! :)
We played the infamously annoying "I see" game XD
And Darren introduced us to another even more annoying game - "Coffee or Tea?"
For you guys who didn't make it, it's okay. Just make sure you come for the next session of CF ;D
P/S: Next week will be exam week, study smart, pray hard! We will be having prayer group for y'all. Make sure you come and recieve the blessing of God! :)
Have a fun weekend! God bless :3
~Shu Run
-mainly organized by SMK USJ 13
-Theme : desire 4 fire
-Time : 9a.m. to 5p.m.
-Rm 6 for lunch
-Venue:SS15 ACTS church office(opposite Taylors college)
#Sounds dull? Maybe not after YOU are touched by the HOLY SPIRIT and be changed forever!!!
> Sign up now through the CF president or you can dial 012-2045248 to reach him...(>,<)
God is waiting for you , are you ready for Him?
Next, Click "Conference"
Then, look at the details...
If prompted to go for it, look for the CF president!!!
*Going to this conference is not just to make friends and enjoy the music played but to meet God! Although God is omnipresent but YOU can encounter Him if you earnestly hunger for Him in this conference. (Just RM 15 only for AYA members so it's not free by the way..)
>hot *hot *HOT*!!!
In John 21:15-17,
Peter had denied God three times before the crucifixion..
And after He'd risen, He encountered Peter on the seashore not asking him for a confession of his sin, but a confession of his love three times, as Peter had denied him.
Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these?"
Peter answered, "Yes Lord; You know that I love You."
Jesus said to Peter again a second time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me?"
Peter answered, "Yes Lord; You know that I love You."
Jesus said to him the third time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me?"
Peter answered, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.
The term of love in Jesus's first two question was in the term of "agapao", which means unconditional love in Greek.
Later in the third time when He asked, he used the term "phileo".
Whereas, the term of love in all of Peter's answer was in the term of "phileo", which means brotherly love in Greek.
So, the actual dialogue was..
Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you agapao me more than these?"
Peter answered, "Yes Lord; You know that I phileo You."
Jesus said to Peter again a second time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you agapao me?"
Peter answered, "Yes Lord; You know that I phileo You."
Jesus said to him the third time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you phileo me?"
Peter answered, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I phileo You.
Peter couldn't match up to Jesus' level of love.. Instead, Jesus came down to Peter's level of love.
Same goes to us, it's impossible to love like how God loves us, unconditionally.
So yeah, hope you're blessed by it :)
As you can see, this year's theme will be P.U.S.H.!
Push means pushing on, pushing ahead, pushing ourselves to do more, pushing people to God, and the list goes on :D
Great music, awesome T-shirts and merchandise, wonderful speakers, and above all, an incredible God, so what are you waiting for?
Grab a registration form from Shu Run(4S) or download it online and sign up to be part of this great event! Better still, bring all your friends and family :)
Just so you know, first 100 people to sign up for the rally will get their shirts before the rally, which is totally cool cause you get it wear it around before the big event!
Wanna know more about it? Clickity click!
It's an event you definitely don't wanna miss! :DDD
P/S: We are currently seeking volunteers who are interested in serving and joining the usher and security team for the rally. If YOU are interested, don't be shy and let us know :D
~Shu Run :3
When- 8th May 2009
Time- After school
Where- School Canteen
Who- All the cf members, please bring your friend too
Who- Ps Andy and Pn Liew will do the exchanging od the certificate of adoption.
Wat else, oh yea... any question you wan to ask about Moderchai you can come and ask that day... So yea, Please come k...kelv