Hello there! Welcome to CFsmkusj4's blog.
We're just a group of ordinary students doing extraordinary things for God in our school.
We love God and we love our school.

Check out the info below to find out when and where we have our meetings.
God bless! :D

Weekly meetings :
Every Friday. 12.50pm - 2.30pm. At the classroom on the ground floor (3Aristotle)

Morning CF :
Every Tuesday - Friday. 7.00am - 7.20am. Before morning session. At the canteen.

Recess Revolution :
Meet with your respective form's leaders.
Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 4:30 PM
Hey guys, do you know we as Christian always proclaim the John 3:16 verse??

"For God so loved the world, He gave his one and only son to die for us, for whoever who believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life."

Before, we go out and start to proclaim the verse, do you know the meaning of believe??

here's a story that kinda describe the meaning of believe..

once there a person who tries to break a world record by walking on a thread from one end to another end. Something like the picture below

But then, one of the person from crowd throw a challenge to him, by asking him to walk on the thread without using the pole (the stick his holding) .Without hesitation, he quickly took up the challenge. Besides that, he top-up the challenge saying, he would used wheel-barrow instead of the pole.

Immediately, the crowd break into conversation, discussing whether he could make it or not... After that, the crowd was divided to two group, the one who believe he can make it, and the another group that doubt.

He then asked one of the person from the crowd who believes :' If you believe that i can pass through to the another end with this wheel barrow, come and sit in the wheel barrow' Nobody stood up and join him...

So, as Christian, before we proclaim the verse we're proud and happy of... Do you really believe and willing to surrender your life to him?? (no stress but just think about it k??)-kelv

Luke 9:24- For whoever wants to save his own life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. God Bless
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