Recess Revolution
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @ 7:19 PM
as you guys know, we've started Recess Revolution today. What is it about?? In a nutshell, is we as a Christian simply show out, stand out, speak out during our recess time. Recess Revolution actually is way of reaching out but without really going around preaching. Erm...How?? take today for an example.
Today, we're told to bring our bible wherever we go during recess. By doing this, we're are actually making a statement that we're a Christian. So now, that people know that we're a christian, every action we do counts, cause whatever we do, the crowd will observe, and that's the impression they have towards Christian. So, we've simply stayed back after recess and just cleaned up the table, we're indirectly leaving an impact to other people.
The activity we do will change form time to time, and we'll inform you guys during cf meeting. For more information please approach our cf leaders k.God bless.Kelv
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Reflection on your life
Saturday, April 18, 2009 @ 12:40 PM
Through it all, because of what we've said that had affected others, it hurt God's heart ultimately for God created us under His image. If we insult one another, we are also insulting God's creation. Come to think about it if we do so, we are actually worst than people whose life aren't saved yet because as Christians, we acknowledged that Jesus had died for our sins and we ought to live our lives telling others about the Saviour who did it all so that we can have eternity after life on earth. Rather than that, we let sins liberate us from God; backslight as a result.
Another cause by doing this unreasonable act is that God cannot work in us because of the resentments, dislikes, hatred and anxieties in us. It filled the space in our hearts that nothing can stop us from acting more viciously towards a particular person including that of hurting others physically.
I'm telling you these because it's a matter of life and death. Ever thought of going to heaven one day and kneeling down in front of God's presence,when God asks you: "Why have you insulted*blank* since you knew that you should be showing My love towards *blank*." I tell you the truth, this would happen one day in heaven and I'm certain that we could not be able to answer God the reason for our ridiculous act on earth.
However, since God had given us the second chance to live again through Jesus's death, we ought to show God and proved to Him our very best for action is louder than words. Examine yourself even now in prayer and petition to God that you may live this life pleasing to God. He's worth every single second of our life. If we don't live for Him, we are worthless.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone and the new has come!"
(2 Cor. 5:17)
*Here are some extra verses to read about.
-(James 4:8) -(1 John 1:9)
-(Mat.6:14) -(Col. 4:6)
God bless,
W. Y.
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Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 4:30 PM
"For God so loved the world, He gave his one and only son to die for us, for whoever who believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life."
Before, we go out and start to proclaim the verse, do you know the meaning of believe??
here's a story that kinda describe the meaning of believe..
once there a person who tries to break a world record by walking on a thread from one end to another end. Something like the picture below

Immediately, the crowd break into conversation, discussing whether he could make it or not... After that, the crowd was divided to two group, the one who believe he can make it, and the another group that doubt.
He then asked one of the person from the crowd who believes :' If you believe that i can pass through to the another end with this wheel barrow, come and sit in the wheel barrow' Nobody stood up and join him...
So, as Christian, before we proclaim the verse we're proud and happy of... Do you really believe and willing to surrender your life to him?? (no stress but just think about it k??)-kelv
Luke 9:24- For whoever wants to save his own life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. God Bless

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Project Modercai
Monday, April 13, 2009 @ 9:09 PM
What ?
“Project Mordecai” is a CF (Christian Fellowship in Schools) Adoption Project by
ACTS Church through ACTS Teens – its Teens Ministry. It is aimed not just to
encourage the secondary school Christian Fellowships (CF), but also working
hand‐in‐hand with them to impact their schools. We are committed to support,
disciple, equip, and challenge the CFs and their members to be soul winners and
to make a positive impact in their schools!
Why “Mordecai?”
Mordecai adopted an orphan he named Esther, as his own child. He loved her,
raised her carefully, and she was a good and obedient daughter even into
adulthood – (Esther 2:7 on)
And while Esther was a hero, so was Mordecai. It's team work!
Esther was used by God to save a whole generation! She did it at a time when all
odds were against her. And Mordecai never left her side. He cared for her but he
also challenged her at the same time. And he also did what was right in his own
generation. That's why the king rewarded him. He never abused his position
with Esther ... it was not about him ... but about her ... and ultimately the people.
In the same manner, our desire is to provide spiritual covering as well as
practical training for CFs who will partner with us to see their school
transformed by the love and power of God. It is not about how many CFs we can
adopt, but it’s about how the CFs can be an impact in and through their schools.
cool?? if you have any question pls approach the committee ok??
anyway, we're going to have the official adoption at 8th may 2009 during one of our cf after school meeting about, 1pm to 3pm... Pn.Liew and Ps.Andy, will be our V.I.P of the day.. so yea, more information will be given as the date is drawing near......... God Bless-kelv
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amazing love, we know it's true!
Sunday, April 12, 2009 @ 9:01 PM
As we all know, Christ died for us, and rose again after three days!
It wasn't easy at all, but he still did it for us!
Why? Because he loved us so so much!
Another thing..
We need not to wear a mask to communicate with Him, neither do we need to act.
All He really wants is you to communicate with him with who you are!
So.. what are you waiting for?
Talk to Him more often :D
God bless! :)
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project what? PROJECT MODERCAI !
Thursday, April 9, 2009 @ 10:52 PM
Sorry for being so quiet for such a long time :P
The main point of this post, Project Modercai !
If you're attending CF nowadays, you may hear announcements regarding it.
Anyway, what's Project Modercai all about?
Basically, Acts church wants to adopt our CF..
In that case, our CF can be official!
But after Acts church adopt us,
our CF is no longer under USJ4, instead, we're under Acts.
We're meeting up to discuss about it..
Where? Summit - McD's!
When? 11.30am, 11th April - Saturday!
Who? With Pastor Andy!
If you're interested, feel free to come!
Most most welcomed :D
So yeah, that's about it.
God bless! :)
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