Hello there! Welcome to CFsmkusj4's blog.
We're just a group of ordinary students doing extraordinary things for God in our school.
We love God and we love our school.

Check out the info below to find out when and where we have our meetings.
God bless! :D

Weekly meetings :
Every Friday. 12.50pm - 2.30pm. At the classroom on the ground floor (3Aristotle)

Morning CF :
Every Tuesday - Friday. 7.00am - 7.20am. Before morning session. At the canteen.

Recess Revolution :
Meet with your respective form's leaders.
BK class
Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 9:54 PM
Hey guys, as you know... Our first step of making cf official is by making bible knowledge class happen in our school....

Currently,we are at the final stage, the letter has been handed in to the school authority..... Please PRAY for us that the school authority will approve as it is our first step of making our cf official..

Beside that, if our class is approved..... we will need students to attend( like duh...... why open a class without students) erm, basically we will be focusing on two books which is Gospel of Luke and the apostle of Acts..... erm... we strongly encourage you to buy the textbook which looks like this

haha..... yeap...... The Malaysia Christian School of Counsel will need 3000 students to take this subject by 2010 or else it will be taken away from the SPM syllabus... so take it and support it ok..... there is a revision book for this textbook but not very accurate la..

haha.... yeap is a comic and is good for evangelism as well so yea....... till then people.... lets dance in the freedom we know

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