the potbless! :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 @ 3:53 PM
As many of us know, theCF had a potbless party yesterday!
Many of us had fun right? :)
Started good, ended good?
Hope everyone had fun :)
not to forget, the ThankYou's :)
God, for the smooth day! :D
WaiYip, for organizing this! :)
Pamela, for the house and made everyone comfortable :)
Jia Ying, for the cake :)
EVERYONE, that participated in this :)
God bless! :)
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its pretty strange how this works. . .
Monday, March 16, 2009 @ 3:31 PM
A: Psalms 119
Q: Which chapter is the shortest in the bible??
A: Psalms 117
Q: Which chapter is in the middle of the bible??
A: Psalms 118
There is a total of 594 chapter before Psalms 118 and there is a total of 594 after the chapter Psalms 118.
Ok.... 594+594=1188 HA!..ha...get it?
2nd quiz...
Q: Which verse is the middle verse of the bible
A: Psalms 118:8
"Its better to trust in the Lord than have confidence in man"
Yeap , i know its cool... The bible have a really cool way of expressing itself so yea... just want to wish you guys a happy holiday... God bless...
**if you dun believe it, check it out yourself.... -kelv
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BK class
Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 9:54 PM
Currently,we are at the final stage, the letter has been handed in to the school authority..... Please PRAY for us that the school authority will approve as it is our first step of making our cf official..
Beside that, if our class is approved..... we will need students to attend( like duh...... why open a class without students) erm, basically we will be focusing on two books which is Gospel of Luke and the apostle of Acts..... erm... we strongly encourage you to buy the textbook which looks like this

haha..... yeap...... The Malaysia Christian School of Counsel will need 3000 students to take this subject by 2010 or else it will be taken away from the SPM syllabus... so take it and support it ok..... there is a revision book for this textbook but not very accurate la..

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