CF Updates! =)
Friday, February 25, 2011 @ 8:52 PM
What up yaw! =)
So just in case you guys didn't attend
the most awesome-st CF
Here are the updates.
Next month theme is PRAYER,
So pls do invite friends who needs prayer aite.
Anyone who is still interested with our CF t-shirts or the Subang Rally 09 PUSH t-shirts(girls oni), pls do find Darren Teh or Pamela Teh asap.
2-5th June.
There's gonna be a CF outing on the 18th of March.
(don't worry it's after exam and it's a holiday)
Pls do invite all of our CF members to come ya.
God Bless everybody! =)
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Leader's Convention in KL
Sunday, February 20, 2011 @ 9:41 PM
Sorry for the really late update.Next up is the CF Leaders Convention that just happened a few weeks ago.
It was pretty amazing to see many other schools doing the same as we are doing.We met other schools like
SMK Seafield
the awesomest mc u can ever find
our CF teacher advisor
awesome prayer services
This is a very wrong picture on the way back from KL.haha
Thats all for now..will update soon. :)
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Valentine's Day!!
11:48 PM
Happy Valentine's Day Peeps!
So, this is the day where the love is in the air.
Where flowers blossoms and chocolates are given.
Where cards are exchanged
and candle-light dinner for two.
serenaded by roses
and all the cheesy wheezy lines.
let us all not forget where did LOVE come from.
The word LOVE can be interpreted in so many ways.
To us,
It simply means God
The only reason why
But it this doesn't mean that everything that is related to LOVE
is correct.
For LOVE is powerful and changes lives
The most powerful LOVE ever known
was the sacrifice of LOVE Jesus shown.
And that's the LOVE the world needs!
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Afternoon CF! =)
Sunday, February 13, 2011 @ 1:44 PM
Yo Peeps!
There's CF this week
There's a guest speaker coming
So brace yourselves
For an experience of a life time
So get ready
bring your notebook
your pen
Same place same time
You know the drill
God bless~! =)
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011 @ 8:40 PM
Hey CF!
How was your chinese new year hols???
I know u had lost and lots of ANG PAU's rite?
Anyway just want to imform u guys that we have CF this friday!
We are gonna have a special drama presentation and u wouldn't wanna miss it!
so..ill see u guys there??? xDD
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The Challenge
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 @ 11:49 PM

Hey Peeps,
Just want to inform u that The Challenge held by ACTS CHURCH is happening very soon.
Those who are interested pls sign up ASAP.
For further information pls visit
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Gong Xi Fa Cai ! =)
11:19 PM
Wazzup! Welcome to our new CF blog of the year! *screams*
So as all of you are heading to ur respective "Kampung", please remind your parents to drive slowly and safely. As everybody is so excited and looking forward to go back and gather with all of your relatives and love ones to have a big reunion dinner which is also known as "Tuan Yuen Fan". Do cherish this moment because it's simply means Family.
And to all the young fellows like you and me, may you have lots and lots of Ang Pow's and getting sick of mandarin oranges. xD
Also please take good care of your health, otherwise you'll be missing alot of seriously good food! yum yum! =)
And we on behalf of the CF of SMK USJ4 wishes all of you a Blessed Chinese New Year!
God bless! =)
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Recess Revolution
9:52 PM
First of all i wanna thank u guys for giving a helping hand on RR.It was a BLAST!
The school was blessed are so were we.
So yeah those who didn't go, dont worry! There will still be many more times to come!
Anyway, these were some of the pictures we took while we were doing RR.
Ben!!!(CF President) |
The End hahaha |
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