Tuesday, March 30, 2010 @ 10:50 PM
Heyy all!

How is everyone doing? :)

Just to let you guys know that this Friday for our afternoon CF, we will be doing something different! Wanna know? Come join us and find out! :D

Please do note that we will be changing the venue for CF for this Friday only.

We will be using..*drumroll*

The KRK room! ( yes, the one with the projector and all :D )

We will be using the one which is closer to the staircase. But fret not if you have no idea where it is. There will be ushers to usher you! ;D

Let's praise the Lord for providing us with the KRK room! Indeed, He is a God who provides! :)

Oh oh oh! And guess what?

Our Bible Quiz on Genesis and Luke will be on NEXT WEEK during our afternoon CF!

So start studyingg yo! It's never too late to start picking up your bible and reading it! Hehe.

All the best to those who will be participating! :)

Have a blessed week ahead!

Coming for CF? ;D

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Hey ho!
Sunday, March 21, 2010 @ 5:27 PM
Ps Alex during sessions :D

Hello dear people! How were your holidays? :D Well, it's time to get back to school and start studying again...and don't miss CF this coming Friday as we're having something special ;D

BY THE WAY, are you interested in contributing your musical gifts in Subang Interschool Christian Fellowship Rally 2010?

Credits: http://subangrally.blogspot.com

If you are, do give your info to Jay Yang (5M), and be at FGA USJ on the 28th of March, 1.30pm :D

Loves! God bless.

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BK Postal Quiz!
Thursday, March 11, 2010 @ 4:19 PM
Hey there people! How's exam so far? For those who are participating in the BK postal quiz, here are the juicy details:

Study - Gen chapter 12-15, Luke chapter 15-24!
When - Somewhere in April, will update you guys on this!
Where - In SCHOOL! :D

Are you interested in participating? It's not too late, just give your name and IC number to Shu Run(that's me)!

God bless! <3
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