Sunday, February 28, 2010 @ 9:05 PM
The RR mentioned in the last post will be postponed till further notice. Meanwhile, see you at CF! :)

Jesus loves you. SMILE! :D
Shu Run
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010 @ 10:54 PM
Hey there! We'll be having RR this week, and all forms are participating!

- Friday (26/2/10)
- 10.30am - 12.30pm
- Foyer C

Do bring your friends! :D Loves, God bless! :)
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Jesus is rocking CF!
Saturday, February 6, 2010 @ 6:49 PM
Hey there darling CF babies! Last week we were super duper blessed by God. You know why?

This is why. Come on people, let's not be satisfied but pray and ask God to increase that number! :D

Really really thank God for overseeing us and continuing to guide us. Don't let Him down now! We gotta give God something to multiply with! Bring your friends to CF to experience God, friends and fun!

All glory to Him,
Shu Run.
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010 @ 2:41 PM
Oh look! It's February already! How's everyone settling down in school? :D
And before you know it, the CNY holidays are here!

However, do continue to pray for
1. The CF to continue to expand and grow in the Holy Spirit
2. The committee to lead the CF and conduct smoothly
3. The members (YOU!) that they will continue to learn and be blessed through coming to CF and bringing friends!
4. The school to recognize and officialise CF.
5. RR groups to be strengthened and for the RR coordinators to conduct RR with the power of the Holy Spirit
6. Teacher advisor that God will continue to bless her and watch after her as she nutures our CF and supervises us.
7. YOURSELF and your walk with Jesus to be strong and closer everyday! And also for good health and good studies.
8. The weather as we all know it's been burning in Malaysia! :(
9. Malaysia that each and everyone of us will be united and there will be peace, no war!
10. All the CF's and RR groups in Malaysia to make a stand for JESUS!

Don't forget to thank the Lord always, because our God is a God who provides!
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. Matt 6:32

God bless!
Shu Run
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