Thursday, August 27, 2009 @ 3:40 PM

The video above MAY not be perfect, but the message is clear enough.. right?

See you at Acts, on 18th of September! :D
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009 @ 10:08 PM

please do take a moment to watch this video.
it just reminds me of how great and awesome and loving our God is. our God who gives second chances. our God who loves you just the way you are. our God who paid the price on calvary for me and you!

how great is our God?
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EX.A.M !
Thursday, August 20, 2009 @ 8:57 PM
Dear Form3, 4 and 5's ;
(of SMK USJ 4, 13, 12, 8, Subang Jaya, Seafield, Sri KL, SS17, Subang Jaya, Subang Utama)


"!" o.O


Majlis Restu 2009 organized by SMK USJ 4, food will be included :)

This is basically a BLESSING CEREMONY along with the theme EX.A.M (Experience A Miracle), it will be our very own rally! This is a rally bless to the form 3 and 5 students who are about to sit for their PMR/SPM exam, but all students are welcomed to join us! (and that includes YOU!) :D

Date: Friday, 18th September 2009, KEEP THIS DATE FREEE!
Time: 1.20pm - 4.00pm
Speaker: Pastor Andy Yeoh!

Acts Church near Summit, in Summit Hotel, 2nd floor. :) transport will be included too! (If your school exceeds 20 students!)

By giving your name and paying 5 bucks along with a form to your respective presidents, if you don't have a form, ASK from them! (your RM 5 will be inclusive of food and transportation!)

There will be T-shirts for sale on that day too! You may buy it if you are interested.

front of the shirt

either one will be chosen as the back of the shirt.
For more information, or if you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact any of the following:

Chairperson: Yap Shu Run - 0192677594
Secretary: Pamela Teh - 0163439055

We believe that through this rally, lives will be changed, lives will be touched, lives will be healed, lives will be transformed. God is gonna do something awesome! So are YOU, ready to EXperience A Miracle?

Hey, let's expect to receive a new revelation from God! Come with your friends and be blessed!

We will see you there! :D

Greater things are yet to come!

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Recess Revo 14/08/09- Friday
Monday, August 10, 2009 @ 8:59 PM
Hey guys,

Is time for the monthly friday Recess Revo again. Well, this time we want to give free cordial fruit juice to all our school students. So basically, i want you guys to do some preparation la. This is a list of what i need la...

MAteriaLS And tools:
  • 2 bottles of 1.5 litter of boiled water ( everyone participant must bring la)
  • 3 bottle of cordial (any flavor)
  • jars
  • water dispenser
  • paper cup
  • the big spoon you use to cook. 

Bacisally, every RR member just have to bring two bottles of water la. And if you guys can contribute some others thing would be good la.. Haha..

So this RR would be after school this friday, for morning session and for afternoon session is before school, around 12.30pm. So yea, lets live out love for our school. 

God Bless,
RecessRevo coordinator,
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Letter From Pr.Andy
8:52 PM
Hey guys.. Just in case you guys miss out what happen during in 1st Klang Valley RR gathering last saturday. Pr.Andy have something to tell you guys.. SO yea... Here It goes.

Dear Recess Revo a.k.a. "Champs"

If you didn't know yet... we currently have 56 Recess Revo Teams found in 27 Schools across the Klang Valley, including Kajang! God has started something amazing in and through young people, and this "movement" is advancing and growing! Having said that, I am still convinced that this is only the beginning, and our best days are yet to come! I dream of the day where entire schools, entire cities, and even our entire nation is changed because young people are rising up, loving God and loving people, and living a "new normal" in God! It can happen!

Luke 1:37 (NIV)
"For nothing is impossible WITH God
" (emphasis mine)

As exciting as this possibility, this vision, this movement can be.... let's remember to always work WITH GOD. We need the Holy Spirit. We cannot work on our own. Our best ideas will fall flat to the ground eventually if they are not God's ideas. So let's learn to work WITH the Holy Spirit. Prayer must never be removed from the equation of what we do. Prayer declares our dependency on God. So let's pray, let's listen (to the voice of the Holy Spirit), and let's obey.

After the Klang Valley Recess Revo Gathering, we will get ready to "release" and "launch out" again. Get ready to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying, and get ready to RADICALLY OBEY Him! Faith without works is dead. So let's get ready to put ACTION to our faith!  

Believing & running with you,

Pr. Andy Yeoh
Associate Pastor (Teens)


SO yea guys.. Lets keep the fire burning.. and USJ4 cf revival will be on its way.. :)

USJ 4 Recess reco coordinator
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CF after School.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 @ 3:51 PM
Hey people! CF this week will be held:

When? Friday after school
Where? School Canteen
Time? After morning session. Around 12.40

So please try to make it! =)

God Bless!

Jean Ann
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Something Interesting.
Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 4:20 PM
Hey people! =) Are you feeling bored? Like everything's so dull and well, dull? Here's something interesting for you then! We are asking for designs for our Majlis Restu (blessing ceremony) T-shirts! So we are asking for your designs!

Just kindly include this in your design:
a) Our theme for the Blessing ceremony- E.X.A.M (Experience a Miracle)
b) Blessing Ceremony of SMK USJ 4 2009

Some of you might be thinking, what do I get for designing the T-shirts? Well, Everyone in our CF will be wearing it! =) So get creative and start designing!

You can pass your designs to:
Jasmyne or Jean Ann (3R) =)

Or kindly e-mail it to:

Thank you! =) God Bless.

Jean Ann
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