Monday, July 27, 2009 @ 1:59 PM
by, Ps Andy.

Last Friday, we had CF as usual. But this time, Ps Andy was with us! He shared something good with us, and I thought everyone would wanna read this too!

Now Passion...

a) turns everything fun even if the thing is not fun!
Imagine, if you look forward to EXAMS, you'll eventually study hard and wanna get good grades right? And if you want to study, you'll eventually go to the books and start doing serious business with them. See, even if it isn't fun, but if you have passion for exams, you'll eventually find them fun!

b) with God will help you find your purpose in God!
Like.. David. Once, his dad asked him to deliver lunch to his brothers. If David didn't have passion for God, he wouldn't honour his mum and dad. BUT since David obeyed, the Goliath story soon came up and until today, we're still talking about it. Did David know that he was going to mentioned until today? Certainly, NOT! Therefore, if you pursue God, you'll find your purpose.

Get the word? PASSION!

Now.. if you're curious whether you have it or not, don't worry!
Nine points to see whether you have it or not :)

1) Passion does not depend to the person next to you.
2) Passion does not depend on feelings, it's an attitude of your heart.
3) Passion cannot be hidden.
4) Passion is what people say you have.
5) Passion has a lot of energy and strength.
6) Passion does not make excuses.
7) Passion is not dependable on payment, it's definitely not a job!!
8) Passion will give you focus.
9) When you're passionate about something, nothing else compare.

Conclusion, passion WILL get you going!

ps/ this is SECOND HAND.
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LOUD! 09
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 @ 5:27 PM

Hey Yo People!

LOUD! 09 concert is back!

Date: 26th of July (Sunday)
Time:5 p.m. till 9 p.m.
Venue: Dream Centre

For more info,search for
'XYZevents' on YouTube
search 'LOUD! 2009 DUMC' on Facebook

ransport will be provided from Subang( SMK USJ 12 bus stop > going with a bus around 4.15 p.m. and be back Subang around 10 p.m. )

Q:"I'm interested, what to do?"
A:" Look for a certain person named
Lam Wai Yip to confirm your attendance"

God Bless!
Wai Yip!
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Fast for the nation, Pray for Malaysia!
4:54 PM

40-Day Fast & Prayer

Mark the dates on your calendar:
22 July ~ 30 August 2009

Every year in my country Malaysia, our National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF) organizes a 40-day Fast and Prayer to pray for the nation, ending just in time to celebrate our Independence Day on 31 August.

You don't have to be a Christian to fast for 40 days. Prolonged fasting has its benefits for health reasons( Or, whatever is your faith, you may want to join the CF in a fast and pray in your own special way. But my approach will be from the Christianity perspective.

How you can fast?

You can opt to fast in any of the following ways:

  • A partial food fast: Fast from a meal a day (either breakfast, lunch or dinner); or omitting a certain type of food during the fast (example, meat).

  • A full food fast: Fast from all foods and drinking only fluids¾water, health drinks, juices and broths. (For prolonged fast, vegetable juices are preferred over fruit juices.)

  • Absolute fast: Refraining from both food and fluids. Not to be attempted for more than three days, unless you know what you are doing.

  • Non-food fast: Giving up something you love that may have been interfering with your spiritual life (example, TV or the computer). But I personally find this the most difficult to do!!

**Ever thought that Christianity is so "empty

and boring"? maybe you want to try fasting

and praying and I assure you that God will

make things look more meaningful!

Just have faith in Him =D

Say YES To 2009 40-Day Fast!!

God Bless and for Malaysia,

~Wai Yip~


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TGIF! IF! Friday...XP
Monday, July 20, 2009 @ 2:27 PM

This Fri in Pres home-24th of July
*Pres home's add is [no. 4,USJ 3/3Q, 47600 Subang Jaya(of course)]

YO Hey!

PS. Andy is going to the house, the home to share some <3 ppl!
POWER for sure! XD

Time? look right up of the blog...

Come and be <3ed

With <God>'s <3,

**Come to me those who need more info! XD
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Saturday, July 18, 2009 @ 2:07 PM
Hey people!!
if you all have been reading the blog, you should know that we painted the front gate.
However someone vandalize it so we decided to fix the board.
after school we brought spray paint, cellophane tape and newspapers.

as you all can see the there are gold paint around the 4

Since there are no turning back.. we decided to pray first to avoid any mistake and cause more trouble.

Next it was the space in the middle of the 4

Again.. we prayed first before we spray

TADA!!!!!!!! the 4 is fixed!!! It looks like it never have been vandalize before. Praise the Lord that everything go according to plan and thank you Darren Soh for helping us out and care about this matter even though it isn't your school.
All Glory to God!!!

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that's just the way it is,
Sunday, July 5, 2009 @ 6:15 PM
Hello! :D

The volunteers (security&ushers) for Subang Rally attended pre-rally earlier just now in EFC. We sang songs, prayed and the respective heads of he department gave us briefing on how and what are we going to do.

The main point for this post is simply to.......

PRAY FOR THE EVENT that is coming in 7 days time!

God bless! :)

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Recess revolution(1 July 2009, Wednesday)
Thursday, July 2, 2009 @ 10:17 PM
Hey readers!!!

Our RR this week is recycling...
Well... during recess we get the box from a teacher and....
It was a success, there are a few of our friends(non-CF members) decided to follow us
so yeah..

form 4 recess

Form 5 recess

Don't you just wanna come for recess revolution???

Join us every wednesday during recess.
Any information you can contact

Kelvin (5R) -0172511972
Jay Yang (4M) -0169040902
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Cleaning windows picture
9:35 PM

Group 1

Group 2

SEE!! now you know why we are tired... hahaha
the class room windows have not clean since... since.. a long time la...
Thats why its so dirty...
it takes a lot of work

Those who finish their job... decided to pose.. HAHAHAHA

Praise the Lord that the afternoon session students oso decided to come (there are more but no pictures of them)(sorry)

After Cleaning the windows

READ THE PICTURE ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Jay Yang
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Window Washers!
7:14 PM
Hey people! =) Our CF cleaned windows on the 26th of June! We cleaned around 30 classes. Overall it was a fun, dirty, memorable experience. Eventhough we were really tired, and some of us being sick, it all went well! It's all because we're doing it for GOD! =) Woohoo! Pictures will be uploaded later. So be patient and wait! =) God bless.

Smiles! =D
Jean Ann
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